Wow, I’ve really gotten out of the habit of blogging. It was a busy December…lots of things happened, but probably the most interesting thing that happened was “interest” from the publisher I sent my series proposal to. Not a contract yet, but “serious interest.” So I’m thrilled!!! I don’t want to talk too much about it until I do have a contract, but I have to tweak the proposal a bit. I turned in a proposal for four books, thinking they’d do one or two at once. But they actually want to publish them ALL at the same time…which, with four books, would be too much. So they wanted to know if I could change my proposal to reflect three books rather than four (which isn’t just a matter of taking the fourth book out…I need to do a little combining of things here and there because there’s an arc that stretches over all four books). Hey, if they’re really interested in this series, I “can” do anything they want me to do!

I had hoped to have that done by now (they called Dec. 23), but I’ve spent much of the holiday break hanging out with my boys (which seemed more important given my oldest is moving halfway across the country in six months and my youngest is in high school…I’ve got the rest of my life to write, but only so much time to hang with my boys.). Once I get this done, though, I’m guessing I’ll have a definite answer from the publisher very soon…they’re looking at releasing the three books in the spring of 2010 (which means I have to have the books in by July…but they’re chapter books rather than middle grade novels, so that’s doable…but maybe by the time we really get going on this the date will slip to fall 2010?).

My Nanorebel group is still going strong…which shows just how rebellious we are. We don’t need it to be November to continue with our goal setting and write-ins. My original goal was going to be to spend January revising I am Anna Winkler (which I sent to my agent A YEAR ago!) once and for all, but if things move fast enough on this series, I may not have time to revise this novel. Hmm…I wonder if I could try and push for a fall release on the series? All I need is a good 4-6 weeks and I’d have Anna revised…I’m beginning to wonder if I’ll EVER revise it because every time I think I’m going to work on it, something else comes up. Not that I’m complaining…I’ve always wanted to write a series of my own. And I’m really excited about this particular series.

But I also really want to finish Anna…

Happy New Year!

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