I’ve heard back from two of the three people in my novel writing group on my Truth About T.M.S. proposal (I heard back from one of them within an hour after I e-mailed it!). Neither one had much of anything to complain about (which is unusual…these people are TOUGH! Which is why I value their opinions so much). So I must be just about ready to send this off.

Darcy didn’t personally care for the “trump card” as she put it, but she said it worked. Kristin didn’t actually see the “trump card” because she didn’t want to know how the story ended, so I only gave her the sample pages. I didn’t give her the synopsis. I’ll wait and see what Sandy says.

Teen read it, though, and the first thing he said to me was, “you don’t REALLY think you’re going to get away with that, do you?” (“That” being a somewhat sensitive issue that I bring up in the book…an issue I don’t really want to go into here…at least not yet…) He knows that Albert Whitman is a “school library” publisher, so he doesn’t think this is going to fly. He may be right; I don’t know. Another friend likes the “trump card” and thinks I should consider taking it to a larger publisher (or at least to this agent I’ve been talking to). But I can’t do that…Albert Whitman asked me if I’d like to write this. My editor there put the idea in my head. It wouldn’t be right to take it somewhere else. She and I will probably have to have a conversation about this sensitive issue, though. I think she’ll agree that it’s got to involve SOMETHING big, if it’s not going to be the issue I set up. We’re treading on some pretty shaky ground with this book anyway, so just the fact that Albert Whitman wants to do a book like this at all tells me they MAY be open to what I’ve set up. We’ll see…


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