King & Kayla and the Case of the Downstairs Ghost

King & Kayla and the Case of the Downstairs Ghost
King and Kayla are going to a sleepover at Jillian and Thor’s house. They usually sleep downstairs, but not this time. Jillian says there’s a ghost down there.

What does Kayla know?

  1. Jillian thinks there’s a ghost downstairs.
  2. She’s only seen it at night when the lights are off.
  3. She’s heard it at night and during the day.

What does King know?

  • Cat with No Name is Outside

How will they solve this mystery?

Available in Hardcover, Paperback and Ebook

King & Kayla and the Case of the Downstairs Ghost

48 pages

Peachtree Publishing Company 2/1/2022

HC ISBN: 978-1-68263-469-1, PB ISBN: 978-1-68263-470-7