The Buddy Files #2: The Case of the Mixed-up Mutts

The Buddy Files #2: The Case of the Mixed-up Mutts

In canine good citizen class, Buddy meets Muffin, a dog who has been switched with another, similar-looking dog named Jazzy. Because he understands how hard it is to lose your family, Buddy works hard to get both dogs back to where they belong. His adopted family then decides to have him microchipped so they won’t lose him.

Available in Hardcover, Paperback, and e-book

The Buddy Files #2: The Case of the Mixed-up Mutts

128 pages

Albert Whitman & Co. 2010

Hardcover ISBN: 0807509116; Paperback ISBN: 0807509337

Foreign Editions

The Case of the Mixed-up Mutts in Chinese
The Case of the Mixed-up Mutts in Japanese
The Case of the Mixed-up Mutts in Japanese